3 Key Supplements to Enhance Your Immunity This Cold and Flu Season

With everything going on right now, wouldn’t it be great to have one less thing to worry about? Here are three terrific supplements that can benefit your immunity and safeguard against a stuffy nose or a sore throat.

1.   Vitamin D

Vitamin D - the sunshine vitamin - is known to help avert several chronic diseases, maintain bone health, ward off depression and modulate our immune system. The vast majority of people do not get enough of this important nutrient, which is why it is number one on the list. People with adequate levels of vitamin D have been found to have a reduction in the frequency of infections. This vitamin is a fundamental component of health and a must when seeking to arm yourself against the pathogens responsible for the cold and flu.

2. Vitamin C

Vitamin C improves our defence mechanism by revving up immune cell activity, which may make you more resistant to infectious illnesses. When fighting off an infection our immune cells require a lot of vitamin C, possibly leading to a quick depletion in this antioxidant. So it comes as no surprise that using this supplement is vital during the cold or flu this season. It’s important to stock up as this powerful antioxidant should be taken regularly and even before you begin to feel something coming on.

3. Echinacea

Echinacea is a wonderful medicinal plant that is proven to be effective at lessening the intensity and duration of cold and flu symptoms. This plant is rich in compounds that both stimulate the immune system and inhibit viral activity, making it a go-to during the cold and flu season. And it doesn’t end there - Echinacea helps sooth the discomfort of a sore throat as it can act as mild local anesthetic. Plus, Echinacea is safe during pregnancy, while lactating and for young children. What more could you ask for! Make sure to have Echinacea on hand as it is most effective when taken at the first sign of symptoms.

These three natural health products can be taken together through the season. You can feel confident that this array of supplements will enhance your immunity and help reduce, and possibly even prevent, cold or flu symptoms. Its always best to be prepared!

Reference: Pizzorno, J. E., & Murray, M. T. (2021). Textbook of natural medicine. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.

Author: Cynthia Pambianchi

Cynthia Pambianchi is a Montreal-based Naturopath, who believes achieving greater wellbeing involves addressing root causes of health concerns and providing the body with what it needs to heal. As such, her suggestions are always tailored to her clients unique needs. She utilizes a variety of natural therapeutics, including dietary modifications, nutraceuticals, and herbal therapy, as well as various assessment tools in her practice. For inquiries, contact her at: cynthia.naturopath@gmail.com


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