Stress and Natural Management Options

A certain amount of stress is necessary for us to get everything done in our day. But too much stress, for too long, contributes to a host of health problems, such as anxiety and depression. This ‘alarm’ phase can also have more subtle consequences like impaired concentration, disrupted sleep and increased inflammation. Having a few recourse options during trying times like these can make a tremendous difference. Here is a little list of supplements that can help. 

A good strategy involves preventing an exaggerated stress response before it even occurs. First, consider limiting alcohol, caffeine, sugar and refined carbohydrates. These are nutritional factors that can limit a healthy stress response. Second, if you’re prone to being overly stressed, consider daily supplementation of stress modulating natural remedies.

Siberian Ginseng - Panax Ginseng

Siberian Ginseng (much like the other types of ginseng) can tame excessive feelings of tension and improve the ability to adapt to stress. 

Ashwagandha - Withania Somnifera 

Ashwagandha produces significant anti-stress properties by reducing cortisol levels (a major stress hormone) and stress-induced inflammation. 

Rhodiola - Rhodiola Rosea

Rhodiola increases feelings of wellbeing and improves stamina and energy levels, which are often compromised as a result of prolonged stress. 

Essential Nutrients

Nutritional support of the adrenal glands (which are responsible for producing your stress hormones) and the nervous system, is an effective game plan when experiencing excess physical or mental pressure. The key nutrients to consider are B-Vitamins, Magnesium, Zinc and Vitamin C.

Some days take you by surprise. An unexpected situation can quickly become overwhelming and lead to feelings of nervousness and tension. Luckily, there are natural products that can be kept on hand, and be taken at a moments notice to help reduce stress. 


GABA is an important neurotransmitter produced naturally by our body. Lower levels of this neurotransmitter have been associated with increased feelings of depression, insomnia and anxiety. GABA can be found in fast-acting chewable tablets that can quickly induce a sense of wellbeing. 


This amino acid can also be purchased in fast-acting chewable tablet form. This compound, naturally found in green tea, can be taken to improve sleep, increase concentration, reduce feelings of anxiety and even diminish the negative effects experienced by some people who consume caffeine. 

Just as important as ever, meditation, exercise and breathing techniques are also very efficient methods for reducing stress. When possible, it is best to incorporate several different techniques to achieve effective results. We can’t always control what is happening around us, but we do have some say over how we react to these situations. Most important thing to remember is that stress is a natural and recurring factor in our life, and the best thing we can do is test out different techniques and natural remedies to discover a combination that works best for us. 

Reference: Pizzorno, J. E., & Murray, M. T. (2021). Textbook of natural medicine. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.

Author: Cynthia Pambianchi

Cynthia Pambianchi is a Montreal-based Naturopath, who believes achieving greater wellbeing involves addressing root causes of health concerns and providing the body with what it needs to heal. As such, her suggestions are always tailored to her clients unique needs. She utilizes a variety of natural therapeutics, including dietary modifications, nutraceuticals, and herbal therapy, as well as various assessment tools in her practice. For inquiries, contact her at:


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